All of the Following Accidents Happened in Canada
We would like to devote this post to all those who have lost a loved one due to a vehicle collision. We hope that you have found peace and have changed lives due to those tragic events. Please never drink and drive, smoke marihuana and drive, drive while tired and sleepy, or do any drugs while driving. It is never worth it.
Car Accident 1
The driver and passenger of the purple car were found dead before the ambulance arrived. This accident happened on Hurontario St. in Mississauga.
Car Accident 2
Luckily no one died in this accident but both the drivers were seriously hurt. This accident happened in Scarborough Ontario Canada.
Car Accident 3
Horrifying image of a train hitting a car that span out off control and used the train track as a ramp.
Car Accident 4
The driver of this car was killed upon impact by this 18 wheeler truck as the truck driver fell asleep. A great example that you should always be careful of all drivers including truck drivers. This accident happened on highway 400 N.
Car & Motorcycle Accident 5
This car hit a motorcycle as he was making a left and killed him on the spot.
Car Accident 6
A drunk woman was seriously hurt when she smashed into the street pole in Hamilton Ontario.
Car Accident 7
Horrific accident where the car driver hit the truck head on and was killed instantly. This horrible accident happened in 2012 in Toronto Ontario Canada on highway 401. Scrap Car Removal Toronto was responsible for removing and recycling the vehicle.
Car Accident 8
An intoxicated driver was seriously injured but not killed in this rare collision.
Truck Accident 9
The driver of this truck was extremely lucky to leave with a minor leg injury after this collision.

truck accident
Truck and Car Accident 10
The driver was killed on the spot with another horrible truck collision, that happened in Northern Ontario.

truck accident
Truck Accident 11
We truly wonder how this happened, but truck drivers need to be hired carefully to prevent accidents like these, but it was found on Dixie St and 40 in Mississauga.

truck accident